Thursday, November 24, 2011

Buddy Roemer Nails It!

"Republican presidential candidate Buddy Roemer came out in favor of “Occupy Wall Street” on Wednesday, voicing his support for the movement that other Republican candidates have decried as harmful and distracting.

“As I continue touring college campuses throughout New Hampshire, I am reminded of all the young Americans currently taking part in the Occupy Wall Street movement. Please know that I stand by you,” Roemer said in a statement.

The protests fit well with Roemer’s presidential platform, which focuses on the corrupting influence of money in politics. Pursuant to that stance, his campaign accepts donations no larger than $100 from any individual."

Did Al Gore Invent Global Warming?

This 1956 video shows that science had documented global warming and its effects on the climate over 60 years ago.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chain Political Emails - 96% lies?

PolitiFact gave Mitt Romney a "Pants on Fire" rating for using an out of context clip of President Obama saying, "If we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose." The President was quoting John McCain, and the clip is three years old.

PolitiFact concludes that only about 4% of all chain political emails are completely accurate and only about 9% are mostly accurate. More than half are so inaccurate that they earn a "Pants on Fire" rating (As in "Liar, liar, pants on fire!).

Americans deserve better from those who seek our votes and our trust. The story of George Washington and the cherry tree is an example both candidates and voters should keep in mind.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Whatever Happened to Peaceful Protesting?

With baby boomers forming such a large part of the population, you would think that we would remember how ugly using excessive police violence against protesters is. For those who have forgotten the tragedy of Kent State, recall the WTO conferences in Seattle and Pittsburgh.

Evidently those memories fade quickly. Not only have they faded, but new technologies and the steady adoption of the latest military weaponry by local police has created scenes that we used to only see in science fiction as the scrappy rebels faced off against the imperial storm troopers. Here are a few examples from recent events in California.

First, here is a scene from UC Davis where peaceful protesters are sprayed with pepper spray.

Or this scene from Occupy Oakland a few weeks earlier as police cleared the area. The wounded man is a Iraq war vet.

Pittsburgh police demonstrated more weaponry against protesters at the WTO meeting in 2009. A armored vehicle equipped with a sonic gun that can permanently injure one's hearing.

What's next? Drones?