Monday, February 28, 2005

36 Democratic Senators Sold Out for Bankruptcy 'Reform' in 2001

Maria Cantwell, Patty Murray, Joe Biden, and a cast of other democrats sold out their constituency in 2001 by voting for the credit card industry's sponsored bankruptcy reform. The bill is back. Biden could be heard on NPR today smirking at the testimony of a Harvard professor who describing how the credit card company's fees were so high and onerous that the bankruptcies they were complaining about were "prepaid."

It's hard to understand when credit card companies and retailers spend billions of dollars to entice people into buying on credit and relying on debt to maintain a lifestyle that they and the lenders know they can't afford, why the credit card companies should be saved by Congress from their own excesses. Every senator who voted for this bill should be ashamed, especially these 36 who voted for it in 2001.

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