Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Cheney says war critics 'dishonest, reprehensible' - He's at it again.

Cheney says war critics 'dishonest, reprehensible' - Yahoo! News: "Cheney said the suggestion Bush or any member of the administration misled Americans before the war 'is one of the most dishonest and reprehensible charges ever aired in this city.'"

When is Dick Cheney going to come back to earth, or at least develop some semblance of integrity? I remember clearly yelling at my TV during a Cheney interview when he maintainedthat Al Quaida and Saddam had 9/11 ties even after the 9/11 Commission and President Bush had admitted they didn't exist.

Why is his Chief of Staff, Scooter Libby, talking with every member of the press he can dial about Valerie Plame after her husband outted the Niger Yellow Cake story?

Why did Cheney set up his own intelligence group to second guess the CIA intelligence reports to the President. Why did senior CIA personnel quit the CIA saying that their views of Iraq had been ignored by the White House?

The is no kettle that Dick Cheney can fairly call black.

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