Friday, May 09, 2008

When Will It Be Over?

With the North Carolina and Indiana primaries behind us and with the pundits calling it all over, I join those who hope that the pundits are correct. Mathematically Obama has won, and Hillary has lost.

Actually all the Clintons have lost. My sense is that since January overall regard for the Clintons within their own party has plummeted. I for one no longer find it reassuring that Bill would be in the White House as Hillary's secret adviser. His gaffs on the campaign trail have seriously eroded his reputation for sound judgment. I guess Chelsea's ok, but Hillary has morphed into someone who will say or do anything to win the Presidency. Her actions seem only slightly bounded by a sense of what she can get away with, not by some deeply held concept of integrity.

It's time for a change. It's time for Senator Obama to be our next President.

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