Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How Dirty, Long Will the Campaign Be?

With John McCain already claiming that he can't control how other Republicans support his campaign, even the Republican National Committee, and having already received emails misrepresenting papers written by Michele Obama during her freshman year at Princeton, it looks like the upcoming campaign contain the same dirty tricks as the 2004 campaign. Of course, Moveon.Org, is readying it's arsenal to respond in kind.

All this make we wish we could vote in July and get all this over with. Surely a month is long enough for a debate for voters to learn the policy differences between McCain and Obama. We already know who they are from the prelims. What's left beyond many numbing months of media campaigns, misleading ads, out of context sound bites, and the same old talking heads on TV?

Makes me wonder why it's the Europeans who have better health care, better mass transit, bans of plastic bags, and shorter election campaigns. Why can't we?

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