Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Why Doesn't the Tea Party Embrace Occupy Wall Street?

Our economic woes have resulted in dissatisfaction and protest across the nation. The first group to organize to highlight the abuses of corporate cronyism was the Tea Party which excoriated the current administration for bailing out the banks, allowing public money to be used to pay huge executive bonuses, and the stimulus package. Tea Party-ers clearly distinguished between Main Street and Wall Street. The Republicans, Fox News and other conservative groups have supported the Tea Party's growth and efforts to become a substantial political voice.

Occupy Wall Street and its many branches across the nation have focused on many of the same ills, such as corporate cronyism in government, exorbitant bonuses, and the economic inequality that resulted. Yet they have been reviled and ridiculed by the Far Right, Fox News, and candidates for Republican office.

Why? Don't the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street share more in common than differences? Couldn't they achieve more by working together than by reviling another group that shares their dissatisfaction?

Hopefully the Tea Party will wake up at some point an realize that they and the Occupy Wall Street are mirror images of each other who need to find some way to work together to achieve the change they both seek.

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