Friday, January 14, 2005

Men Just Want Mommy?

Around here, one of the effects of this Maureen Dowd editorial has been to heighten concern among some mothers that down the line their  talented, accomplished daughters will have to make some hard choices between having a career and raising a family with an equally accomplished mate. The assumption behind Maureen's views about the role of mother have led to some interesting letters to the editor in the NY Times.
Quote:  "A few years ago at a White House Correspondents' dinner, I met a very beautiful actress. Within moments, she blurted out: "I can't believe I'm 46 and not married. Men only want to marry their personal assistants or P.R. women."


A similar theme is expressed in a December 14, 2004 NYTimes piece "Glass Ceilings at Altar as Well." about a controversial study of hypothetical choices made by college undergraduates conducted at the University of Michigan.  "...when asked about long-term relationships, the men showed a marked preference for the subordinates as opposed to the bosses."  Women did not evidence the same bias, nor did men when selecting a partner for a one night stand. 

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