Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Next Up: Iran?

The current New Yorker contains an article by Seymore Hersh describing the Bush administration's commitment to taking down Iran, the next target.  Hersh was on the Daily Show last night, and his concerns came across in a much more palpable way.  We're really going to take them down.  Some other views.

For us old guys, there's an interesting parallel here. During early '60s the US thought it had learned its a lesson from Viet Nam: learn guerrilla tactics to be effective. So we got the Green Berets. Unfortunately the real lesson was that we were invaders opposing a popular movement because we were afraid of falling dominos; the 60's equivalent of WMD's in Iraq. We shouldn't have been there in the first place.

The parallel with our current situation is that the Neocon dominated Bush administration thinks that it has learned its lesson from Iraq: no nation building. In Iran the plan is to simply take the government down and let the populace rebuild the nation. 

The real lesson will be that the Neocon's imperialist dreams are just that: Dangerous dreams.

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