Thursday, January 27, 2005

What do these men have in common?

Brigadier General David M. Brahms (Ret. USMC), Brigadier General James Cullen (Ret. USA), Brigadier General Evelyn P. Foote (Ret. USA), Lieutenant General Robert Gard (Ret. USA), Vice Admiral Lee F. Gunn (Ret. USN), Rear Admiral Don Guter (Ret. USN), General Joseph Hoar (Ret. USMC), Rear Admiral John D. Hutson (Ret. USN), Lieutenant General Claudia Kennedy (Ret. USA), General Merrill McPeak (Ret. USAF), Major General Melvyn Montano (USA Nat. Guard), General John Shalikashvili (Ret. USA),

The all signed a letter expressing deep concern about the nomimation of Alberto Gonzales to be Attorney General and urging the Senate Judiciary Committee to "explore in detail his views concerning the role of the Geneva Conventions in U.S. detention and interrogation policy and practice."  The letter goes on to outline the generals' opposition to positions taken by Gonzales in the his various memos and policy formulations.

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